First Name
Last Name
Company/Business Name
To me sales is: (Check all that apply)
A necessary evil
Something I don’t want to do…I’m not a salesperson
Absolutely necessary if I want my business to flourish
Something I need to get better at
Something on which I’m willing to work
Something I love and I’m great at
The most difficult part of selling for me is:
Finding my ideal clients and connecting with them
Feeling uncomfortable
Asking for the sale (closing)
Answering objections
Following up
When I’m having a sales conversation, my main focus is:
Getting my prospect to buy
Finding out what my prospect wants
Making a deal
Trying not to offend the person with whom I’m talking
When I get an objection:
I don’t quit until the prospect buys
I terminate the conversation and send the prospect on her way
I ask questions to determine what the real objection is
I always win the argument
When a prospect says yes and buys:
I relax because the sale is over
I have an organized, effective follow-up program
I immediately ask for referrals
I turn my attention to the next sale
When a prospect says no and doesn’t buy
I just say, “Next!” and forget about the person who said, “No.”
I have an organized, effective follow-up program
I feel offended and angry
I feel that there must be something wrong with me or my service
When I think about sales coaching:
I think I probably don’t need it because I’m great at sales…I could teach the coach a thing or two!
I really want to grow my business and my sales, and I think a sales coach would help me
I want some coaching, but I think it would be too expensive
I don’t know enough about sales coaching yet to have formed an opinion
I think a free strategy session with a sales coach (no obligation or pressure):
Would be extremely helpful, and I’d like to do it
Doesn’t really interest me, so I’ll take a pass
In your FREE sales coaching strategy session, what’s the most important topic you’d like to discuss?