Meet the Wizard
Hey, I’m Hugh Liddle, your chiropractic sales wizard! When I got out of the Air Force in 1970, I had a number of job offers. I could have climbed telephone poles or worked in a retail store or worked for the Irrigation District, among others. Instead, I chose a sales job. I liked the fact that there was no limit on the amount of money I could earn, and I’m an outgoing person, who likes to talk. So, I thought I would be super-successful and laugh my way to the bank every week. Well, I was in for a rude awakening! Selling is much more difficult than it sounds! It’s a really good thing that being told, “NO!” isn’t fatal, or I’d have been dead in 1970. I was certainly not a sales wizard back then! Far from it!! The only thing I had going for me to start with was that I was too stubborn to give up!
I spent 19 years selling financial services and eventually retired. During that time, I read everything about selling that I could get my hands on, listened to records and CDs, went to seminars, and eventually got better at selling. The thing that helped me the most was that over the years I was privileged to have various mentors and coaches, who taught me how to be more effective and successful at selling. I decided I was much too young to be a gentleman of leisure, so I started selling for other companies. I’ve sold a variety of products and services from gym memberships to marketing to roofing to subscription milk delivery services. Some of the companies for which I worked asked me to be their sales manager, so I gained experience in writing sales manuals and scripting and teaching others to sell successfully.
In 2008, I left my last position working for someone else as a sales manager and founded Red Cap Sales Coaching. Well, leaving a well-paying, salaried job to start a company and sell my own services was another total learning experience. It was way more difficult than I had anticipated. And yet, 11 years later, Red Cap is thriving and I’ve never had as much fun in my life as teaching other business owners and salespeople to dramatically increase their sales and incomes. The awesome team of salespeople/coaches working with me, make owning Red Cap even more delightful. You may wonder where the Red Cap branding came from, and you can find out by CLICKING HERE if you’re curious!
For a number of years, I provided coaching for many different companies that sold a variety of products and services. For the past few years, almost all of my clients have been chiropractors and their teams. Working with them is such a blessing because they give such an awesome gift to the world, they’re wonderful people, and with my coaching, they attract, convert to care, and retain many practice members, whose lives are being changed for the better. It feels so incredibly great to be a part of that process of serving and healing.
My clients learn, in a truly short period of time, all of the things it took me years to discover, through trial and error and long hours of study. They become sales wizards in their own right, and that means that they can serve more people, enjoy larger incomes, and have more free time for themselves, their families, and their friends.
When I’m not working, I’m at home in Sebring, Florida, spending time with my lovely wife, Priscilla, Jasmine the Pomeranian dog and Mooch and Minnie the cats. I have 6 children, 12 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. I play guitar and bass, sing, and write music in my spare time. I’m the bass player and tenor with my church praise team.
Hope to meet you soon and get acquainted!

Your Coaches
Savannah Stone
My name is Savannah Stone. Originally from Connecticut, I have lived in some of the most beautiful places in the U.S., from Honolulu, Hawaii to Vail, and Boulder, Colorado, to currently residing in Charleston, South Carolina. I love connecting with new people!
Chiropractic has become a huge part of my health and well-being, after serving as a Chiropractic Assistant for two passionate doctors. Performing patient exams, running the front desk, and creating life-long practice members was all brand new to me, and with the support of Hugh Liddle as my sales coach I excelled in selling my employer’s services. The skills I developed have helped in all avenues of my life.
I have a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Hawaii and an Integrative Nutrition and Health Coaching Certification.
My sales experience began with 10 years of waitressing from ages15-25. I have known and been working with Hugh Liddle for the past two years. What I learned from Hugh’s coaching led to being the top sales account executive for franchise investors.
When Hugh asked me to be a sales coach with Red Cap, I jumped at it because I truly believe anyone, especially a chiropractic assistant, can contribute greatly to the growth of an office when they learn to be extraordinary at selling.
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